Mission-oriented policy to address health inequalities

Posted By June 30, 2023

Mission-oriented policy to address health inequalities

The 10 Years On report to the Fair Society, Healthy Lives Marmot Review on addressing health equalities in England showed a drastic slowdown in the increase in life expectancy, which was greatest in the most deprived areas. In several deprived neighbourhoods, life expectancy decreased from 2010 to 2020. This decrease coincided with austerity policies, which disproportionately affect household incomes and public
funding in the most deprived regions. These policies can affect mortality through increasing exposure to unhealthy environments, including housing, pollution, limited means to invest in health-promoting behaviours, and increased stressors, to name a few. Funding cuts could in turn affect spending on care, regulatory services, and prevention. Between 2013 and 2017, the research found that funding cuts to local governments were associated with decreased life expectancy and an increase in the life expectancy gap between the most and least deprived regions.
