
Exploring reproductive trajectories of youths of Oromia, Ethiopia: A life course approach

Exploring reproductive trajectories of youths of Oromia, Ethiopia: A life course approach

In the context of continuous cultural, social, and economic changes happening around the globe, the predictable patterns of the life course of the past observed over successive birth cohorts will not remain stable across generations. In this study, three reproductive role indicators—first sexual encounter, first marriage, and first birth–for three synthetic birth cohorts were used […]

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Financial Abuse

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is a lesser-known, but critical component that abusers use to exert control over their victims. It can range from denying a spouse access to money to using scams or disingenuous motives to steal money from a senior. Financial abuse is very serious, but there are ways for victims to escape and recover from […]

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Maternal anaemia and the risk of postpartum haemorrhage:  a cohort analysis of data from the WOMAN-2 tria

Maternal anaemia and the risk of postpartum haemorrhage: a cohort analysis of data from the WOMAN-2 tria

Anaemia is strongly associated with postpartum haemorrhage and the risk of death or near miss. Attention should be given to the prevention and treatment of anaemia in women of reproductive age. Worldwide, more than half a billion women of reproductive age are anaemic. Each year, about 70 000 women who give birth die from postpartum […]

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Reliable cause-of-death data for better child health practice  in Ethiopia

Reliable cause-of-death data for better child health practice in Ethiopia

Reliable cause-of-mortality data are essential to inform newborn and child survival strategies in Ethiopia, where evidence to understand the causes of death in children is scarce.1 To address this scarcity of data, the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) network is assessing specific causes of death for stillbirths, infants, and children by combining minimally […]

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Mission-oriented policy to address health inequalities

Mission-oriented policy to address health inequalities

The 10 Years On report to the Fair Society, Healthy Lives Marmot Review on addressing health equalities in England showed a drastic slowdown in the increase in life expectancy, which was greatest in the most deprived areas. In several deprived neighbourhoods, life expectancy decreased from 2010 to 2020. This decrease coincided with austerity policies, which […]

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Causes of stillbirth and death among children younger than  5 years in eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia: a population-based  post-mortem study

Causes of stillbirth and death among children younger than 5 years in eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia: a population-based post-mortem study

Child mortality is high in Ethiopia, but reliable data on the causes of death are scarce. We aimed to gather data for the contributory causes of stillbirth and child deaths in eastern Ethiopia. In this population-based post-mortem study, we established a death-notification system in health facilities and in the community in Kersa (rural), Haramaya (rural) […]

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Share-Net International Annual Report 2022

Share-Net International Annual Report 2022

Share-Net International is the knowledge platform on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, funded through the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). Share-Net International is a membership network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), researchers, policymakers, implementers, advocates, students, the media and companies operating in the SRHR field, working closely with a wide range of partners across […]

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Child marriage could be history by 2030, or last 300 more years

Child marriage could be history by 2030, or last 300 more years

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for the elimination of child marriage by 2030. Yet as UNICEF’s analysis highlights, current reductions in child marriage are too slow, pushing achievement of that SDG target off by at least 300 years.1 Moreover, the demographics going forward are not favourable. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa with the highest projected […]

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Decades of research leave no doubt about the direct and indirect benefits of educating girls and young women, which include faster poverty reduction, better maternal health, lower child mortality, greater HIV prevention and reduced violence against women. Girls’ right to education is integral to virtually every aspect of development, including economic growth and prosperity. Each […]

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