SRHR Awareness Raising and Agenda Setting Training Conducted

Posted By January 12, 2022

SRHR Awareness Raising and Agenda Setting Training Conducted

Share-Net Ethiopia in collaboration with the CORHA and Ipas- Ethiopia organized a two-day SRHR Awareness Raising and Agenda Setting Training for members of the media community of practice on November 26 and 27, 2021, at Ben Hotel, Bishofetu Town. The training focused on equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective reporting and media programming on sexual and reproductive health rights issues in Ethiopia.

Key mention centered on understanding the key sexual reproductive health and rights issues and understanding how best to report them focusing on impact journalism and the influence of solution-based reporting. The two days discussion covers the policies and activities under the universal health coverage, health program framed with the SDGs. The training raised the key strategies by the Ethiopian government to implement universal health coverage, the discussion then switched to understanding impact journalism and reporting. The training was conducted at a time when the world is commemorating the 16 days of activism. Participants agreed to join GBV activism to continue the SRHR knowledge promotion and translation through Impact Journalism on inspiring solutions to Ethiopia’s sexual reproductive health and rights problems.


A one-hour live production was aired by a member of the COP on the National Television at


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