The workshop at Best Western Hotel Addis Ababa conducted by the aim of informing participants about SNE updates, and present SRH research findings and discussions conducted. The research focus areas are access to SRHR information and education with that of service utilization at selected sites such as diredawa, South Gondar, East Harerge, and five zones of Afar region. Regarding the findings, boys have better access to information than girls. Contraception utilization is lower at east Harerge and Afar zones than south gondar.Child marriage and FGM risk awareness have also similar to that of contraceptive use. Factors that contribute are cultural values, religious opinions, and parental knowledge. school and community based tailored information provision, use marriage as a centre of intervention and motivate Health care providers to provide appropriate information presented as a way forward.
A total of 25 representatives of youth organizations researchers and SRH service providers.